Core strength and control - six basic strategies
Core stability provides a strong and stable centre of the body and protects four joints from damage
Two minute video:
What is the core?
The core of the apple is the centre of the apple. The core of the body is the centre of the body, from the lowest ribs to the bottom of the hips.
Core stability - why do we need it?
- Two answers
Answer one:
Core stability protects four joints from damage. Two at the base of the spine and two at the side of the sacrum.
Answer two:
Core stability provides a strong and stable centre of the body. You can't put wheels on a cardboard box and make a racing car - it will collapse!
And you can't just put strength in your arms and legs if you have a cardboard box for a core! - It will break.
The Btpilates six point check-list for core stability
It's not just about strong tums, buns, and side hips, however, because people who do “hard-core” workouts hurt their backs surprisingly often!
In the BT Pilates base workout we have a six-point checklist that delivers core strength and control. All six strategies prevent excess movement at the four core joints and provide a strong centre for the rest of the body to connect to.
Picture: the BTpilates six point check-list for core stability
The first three strategies are about avoiding excess movement at the base of the spine.
The 4th strategy (you guessed it) is about strong core muscles.
The 5th strategy is about posture: relaxed, tall and looking attentive in your environment.
The final strategy is something that dance instructors will love! - More mobility in our hips, knees, and ankles (below the core), and more mobility in our spine, ribs and shoulders (above the core).
Join us for the best core education around!
It takes six sessions for you to begin to understand the basics of true core strength and control, and for your body to adapt and grow stronger .
The best way to develop your physical education and to enjoy quality movement is to study under an experienced movement practitioner who researches and publishes…
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