Overhead squat tests with example video and self-assessment score sheet
Fix the flexibility issues to be found by doing these tests, and you could save yourself 67% of your physio visits!
Contents of this article
This is the first video and article in a test series that targets strength flexibility and postural alignment. With what you find here you will be able to identify and monitor your weaknesses and - with appropriate advice - make improvements to your movement health.
If the overhead squat tests are difficult for you then you have one or more of the following weaknesses:
Tight around and poorly flexible in the ankles, weak shin muscles
Knee pain from wobbly, non-aligned knees
Tight and poorly flexible in and around the hip joints, weak Gluteus medius
Tight front of shoulder muscles and/or weak mid to upper back muscles
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Download your score sheet and do your own test!
By following along with my squat test video you can while a friend films you, you can perform your own test and fill out your own score sheet.
Download a pre-filled score sheet (shows you how to fill out your own scores) here: deep-squat-stick-criteria.pdf
Download a blank self-test score sheet here:
The first form gives you an example of how to fill out your score sheet while the second form is blank so you can enter your own scores. Screenshots of the first score sheet are shown for you below.
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