#002a: Cubital tunnel syndrome, and introduction to my videos
I’ve had a cubital tunnel problem for many years now, which I have managed with stretches and massage. I’m quite sure they will help you too. Good luck!
Cubital tunnel syndrome: introductory video
If ordinary folks had a name for cubital tunnel syndrome, it would be “grumpy funny bone nerve”. Because that is what it is. A nerve that’s grumpy because it is surrounded by tight tissues that are pressing on it. The pictures below show where the nerve enters the cubital tunnel. The cubital tunnel is the spot on the *body side* of your elbow that, when you knock it you exclaim: “Ouch! I hit my funny bone”. The second picture shows how a surgeon might shift the nerve from the “funny bone” tunnel (or groove) to a less vulnerable place.
Cubital tunnel syndrome is the second most common form of nerve entrapment in the human body (1). In the USA it is present in between 1.8% and 5.9% of the population. It is more common in people over the age of 40.
Picture: the location of the main pinch zone (in the square), that causes cubital tunnel syndrome
Picture: surgical relief of cubital tunnel syndrome by moving the ulnar nerve out of the groove in which it is pinched.
Picture: another diagram of the cubital tunnel that shows the bones. You can understand the picture if you hold your right hand palm up, and look to the crease of your elbow. And now imagine the underlying bones!
Picture: if you were to remove the skin of your right arm and look down at the elbow, it might look a bit like this. Three ulnar nerve pinch zones are named. If we can stretch and loosen the tissues around these locations, that will let the ulnar nerve heal! There are other possible pinch zones located at the side of the neck, the collarbone and the wrist. See the discussion under **Made worse by** below.
Made worse by…
Cubital tunnel syndrome is made worse by exercise in general, but especially exercise that puts a sharp bend in the elbow (such as javelin throwing); or exercise that rests or puts pressure on the “funny bone” region of your elbow (computer mouse work); or if you sleep with your elbow bent.
Another important risk factor is ulnar nerve pinch at other locations along the track of the ulnar nerve. The most important other location would be at the nerve roots as they depart the neck vertebrae. Nerve roots are often pinched as an aftermath of whiplash. Other important ulnar nerve “squeeze” locations are under and above and below the collarbone.
Symptoms: an oppressive ache!
With cubital tunnel syndrome, you will feel an oppressive ache on the inner elbow and down the non-hairy side of your forearm. There will be tingling in the third and fourth fingers. And weakness in the muscles of the hand (located by the blue circles in the picture below). 2cubital-tunnel-pain-weakness.jpg
Common medical recommendations
Common recommendations for cubital tunnel syndrome are a (i) night splint to straighten your elbow while you sleep (see below), and (ii)surgery (surgical diagrams are at the top of this page).
My cubital tunnel videos offer some hope
I’ve had a cubital tunnel problem for many years now, which I have managed with special stretches and massage. I’m quite sure they will help you too. Enjoy the videos in this series!