Six Core Control Strategies in a Pilates Workout Part 3
(Core Stability you won't find on YouTube!)
A framework for you to analyse and understand wise use of your core!
"Six core strategies" provides a framework for understanding how to use the body's core (the body's centre) safely and effectively. (Strength is just one of those six strategies!)
Take the quiz!…
At key moments in this 7-minute workout clip, we ask you which core strategy is the main one **at that moment**.
Don't worry if you disagree. The main thing is to understand and fall in love with the thought processes that will save your back and bring confidence and efficiency to your movement.
Here are this workout's exercises - see if you agree with our core strategy choices!-
1:00 rocking back all fours
1:27 bent knee press-up with “push the heels together” palm and finger stretch
2:54 push on a knee pilates 100
3:47 rollup with stretches
5:30 leg circles with “hang a leg out”
6:58 supine knee bounces with “breathe that does not disturb the shape of the spine”
7:33 Rolling like a ball 8:25 Single leg stretch with bicycle leg”
8:49 This is the core stability that you won’t find on Youtube