Tall kneeling for posture and a good quad stretch
Tall kneeling is a good place to learn about, and grow into, your best tall relaxed posture.
How to impress with good posture
A tall, relaxed posture will impress your boss, boyfriend or girlfriend and will also permit you to feel good about yourself and your environment.
Good breathing is integral to good posture.
Good posture is tall, relaxed, and always goes together with good breathing. Good breathing is when you inhale into your belly and lower circle of ribs and then relax your neck at the peak of the in-breath, and upon the out-breath.
In the video, I talk about a breath that is “glass two-thirds full”, which means the same as "belly and lower ribs breath". Which que works best for you?
A quad stretch is also a stretch for the front of the shoulder and chest
A good quad stretch can also be a comfortable front-of-shoulder-and-chest stretch that effectively resets your scapular stability muscles and upper back muscles. If these muscles are strong and have stamina, it becomes easy to look good all day!
To activate your shoulder blade and upper back muscles, bend your elbows and send them backwards. You can make this a strong stretch or a mild one. Whichever you choose, make sure that you remain tall and relaxed as you do it.