How our Zoom-online Mat Classes work
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To get the best out of Bt’s Pilates Blog, view these pages:-
How our Zoom-online Mat Classes work
Five weekly online mat classes for 40 weeks each year
(And a recorded best-of-the-week mat class you can do in your own time!)
The weekly times are shown on this page, which also includes an our-timezone-to-your-timezone converter.
The dates are during New Zealand school term times, which are listed on this page.
How it works
Each Monday, we email you an invitation to join us on Zoom for the week
(You can also visit this page and look for an up-to-date link).
Before joining a mat class, you can use our time zone converter to check your time: here.
When it’s class time, click the “Join us live on Zoom” button
Not able to join us at the available times? - There is a recorded mat class video at the bottom of each “join us on Zoom” page. You can also view previous mat classes from previous weeks in the list here
Questions? - Drop me a note on my web form here.
Props for mat classes
You will need some props, such as a stretch band and a pilates mat. You will see what we use in the videos in our libraries.
(Subscribe for less than a cup of coffee per week!…)
Bruce Thomson, Pilates Instructor