No Zoom this week. Try out our Pilates "base workout" instead!
(Monday, 22nd April)
This week is our vacation time at Btpilates, so there are no live Zoom mat classes. However, we've been working hard during our break to bring you something special. Check out our meticulously crafted “Base workout” below!..
The following “base workout” video mat-class is available to all subscribers (paid and unpaid)
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BTPilates Base Workout
31 base exercises to learn and to do (modify as required!)
The exercises
Calf muscle maintenance
1. Doorstep heel lowers
2. One leg heel raise
Chair work
3. Chair back split squat
4. Reverse chair jockey
5. Sir Galahad manubrium lift
Quad maintenance
6. Wall sit
7. Tall kneeling quad stretch
Mat work (lying on back)
8. All fours rock back, and heel-press push-up
9. BTP 100 push on knee
10. BTP roll up sit up in bed
11. Single-leg circle hand-guided
12. Roll like a ball
13. Single-leg stretch bicycle
14. Dead bug toe pull
Mat work (seated)
15. Spine stretch forward
16. V-sit saw
17. Buddha sit and lean on a knee
18. Long bridge Figure 8 arms
Mat work (side-lying)
19. Roman feast hip-lift & hand-lift
20. Biceps pillow sideline marching
21. Biceps pillow sideling arm and leg lift
22. Stretch band windscreen wiper
Mat work (facing the mat)
23. The dart
24. Superman
25. Prone press-up or Swan dive preparation
26. Child's pose
Seated end work
27. Mermaid on stool 1, 2, 3, stretch
28. The Seal
Dynamic finish
29. Pilates pushups
30. Bent tower lounge
31. Rolled down off the wall