Brazilian foot exercises for knee arthritis video 2: phase 1 workout - band work section
Video 2 of 6
This is the second of six videos. In this one, I demonstrate the bandwork component of the phase one (basic) workout for feet, toes and ankles. (Phase one is three one-hour workouts per week for 4 weeks, and phase 2 follows for another 4 weeks).
First video - Brazilian foot exercise program for knee arthritis 1: warmup exercises
(more videos will arrive in the next few weeks).
Phase One (4-weeks)
Wide stretch band exercises
Forefoot in a sling - (alternate big-toe lift/small-toe lift)
Forefoot in a sling that pulls from the side of the big toe - (alternate big-toe lift/small-toe lift)
Foot in a heel-to-toe sling - (point and flex)
Foot with a sling that pulls the forefoot down - (lift front of foot and toes)